Online Event

PBLINK Business Mastermind and Networking 10.02.22

10 February 2022    09:15 AM GMT
PBLINK Business Mastermind and Networking 10.02.22

Share your problem, then let others brainstorm it for you.

Join us for a brand new event format this February, where we combine the business acumen of all those in the room to solve your business challenges together.


Event Format

This online event will start with a brief introduction from everyone: introduce yourself, your business and your challenge in 30 seconds.

This will be followed by a mastermind session where everyone will have a chance to have their say.

Share your business challenge with the group and let everyone else discuss your challenge and offer solutions.

You are not the only business owner in the world who has that specific challenge. Hear how others solved it in their companies, what ideas failed and what worked well. Get inspired learn from the experience of others.

Make sure to give back by sharing advice with others when it's their turn.

We will finish off with a business networking session.

All guests will share their experiences of similar situations they overcome in their careers.



9:15 am Welcome Bart Kowalczyk PBLINK

9:20 am Introduce yourself and share your problem in 30 seconds

9:30 am Mastermind group session

10:00 am Business Networking

10:15 am Close


Book now





*The Organisers reserve the right to cancel or amend event details including date, time, topic, speaker, agenda and tickets.