Organised by PBLINK

Wealth and HNWI Connector at HomeGrown 10.07.23

10 July 2023    07:00 PM

Together with London Connector, we invite you to join the Wealth and HNWI Connector at HomeGrown Event. Over 100 people are expected.

Wealth and HNWI Connector at HomeGrown


About this event

This event is designed to provide a space where professionals working in wealth management and wealth creation, as well as those interested in their knowledge and services and anyone who can offer ancillary services to wealth managers get together. The event is also specifically directed to those working with HNVI clients, as well as anyone who identifies as an HNVI client.

Come along if you: 

  • Identify as a professional who can offer solutions and services to increase and preserve wealth.
  • Identify as someone who would like to explore services and solutions to increase and preserve wealth.
  • Identify as someone who can offer services and solutions to anyone in the above categories.
  • Identify as someone who provides services to HNWI clients.
  • Identify as a HNWI client.


Expect to meet wealth planners, tax advisers and consultants, accountants, lawyers, investors, property managers and sourcers, and similar professionals, and their potential clients, as well as anyone who can offer solutions to the above mentioned professionals.


Event Format

The format of the evening is an informal networking and a WhatsApp group will be created prior to the event so that those who wish to introduce themselves and their services can do so.

We can only accommodate 60-70 guests in total and we expect the event to be sold out before its date. The last 2 editions were sold out prior to the event's date


Dress code

The Dress code is smart formal, office attire or smart. The venue is centrally located with truly amazing views over Piccadilly and London.









PBLINK networking