We are bringing together construction and property industry experts to expand valuable solutions for adapting the companies to changing climate conditions.
Challenges, opportunities and profits in sustainable construction
The construction environment is responsible for around 25% of global CO2 emissions. Energy-related carbon for building services and carbonate embedded in building materials are the main factors responsible for today's climate disasters.
The company's sustainability is the company's future
The companies that start earlier have a chance to build competencies in sustainability that will allow them to survive in the business and use this situation to thrive and grow.
Who is it for?
This is a PBLINK Construction Network event, open to all.
The group comprises everyone involved in the construction supply chain, from general contractors, subcontractors, engineers, architects, developers, building materials manufacturers and importers to commercial & residential estate agents. The network meets regularly in London & Online to discuss issues and events of importance to the industry.
Date and venue
DateThu, 29 September 2022, 10:00 – 13:00 BST
Venue: The Finsbury Business Centre, 40 Bowling Green Lane, London EC1R 0NE.
10:00 Registration
10:30 Welcome Bart Kowalczyk, PBLINK Director
10:40 Witold Wisniewski Strategy & Organisational Culture Transition and Sustainable Business Design
-Carbon Accounting
11:00 Clare Ollerenshaw Associate Director at Accelar Limited
-How to begin the journey to net zero?
11:20 Marco Faccini CEO, Board Director, Non-Executive Director, Investor, Digital Learning Architect
-What can XR (AR/VR/MR) do for an eco-friendly future in the built environment?
VR Presentation:
11:40 Construction Networking
13:00 Close
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